Our Vision for 2021
We all had challenges thrown at us (and, in many cases, brought to light) in 2020. Given what we have collectively experienced in the last year, for some, it’s difficult to look forward with any certainty or clarity. And I’m guessing many of you are feeling that about your business too.
We know that eventually, the coronavirus pandemic will release its grip on us. But we aren’t out of the dark just yet.
We believe that there will be a renewed economic demand for products and services. But we don’t know how changed consumer behaviors will be and what that demand will look like.
Given the uncertainty, many entrepreneurs and business leaders feel, Eric and I felt that this might be the right time to launch Relumed (read: sometimes great, exciting, scary things happen in the midst of major, axis-shifting world events). Our first offering in 2020 is our Constellation System of visualized conversations which we are launching as personalized visualization sessions, workshops, and asynchronous courses. Time and time again we’ve seen the impact our sessions and workshops have on both clarity and confidence for leaders and teams.
After 2020, businesses are ready to reinvest and innovate
It might be time to innovate and reinvest. You may have a lot of ideas but are uncertain about which path to choose. You are ready to take on new challenges, but exactly which challenge lies ahead? Or maybe the path is very clear to you but your team needs reassurance of that path.
You need focus, direction, alignment, and strategy. You need to decide how to use your resources. You need to choose the path that is most aligned with your mission. Your team can adapt to change but needs clear guidance from you to do so.
We all have a lot of work to do this year!
How visualization can help
Visualized Conversations will help you find a bold path forward. We’ve leveraged creativity and visualization in every business we’ve created and consulted with and we know how powerful they can be in times like this.
Visualization brings clarity for leaders, whose job it is to synthesize the external and internal forces influencing the business and imagine what might be next. Through visualized conversations you will synthesize faster and see farther, constructing a clear vision out of the total possible futures, guided by purpose.
The resulting visualizations and images let you bring confidence to your team, who want to see where you’re leading them, and what success looks like.
There are many ways to find support for growing your business if you know where to look. You can join organizations, go to networking events, find a business coach, or engage a consultant for whatever problem is top of mind. Every one of those sources of support is important. We encourage you to invest in yourself in any way you are able because you are truly your best asset in growing your business.
Where we come in is in making your strategy visible.
Live Visuals Help Us Connect
The first part of making strategy visible is obvious. We use visuals. We draw during our sessions. And we offer guidance on creating your own visuals through our courses and workshops. But we don’t do this because of the wow factor of visuals (although they do look cool!). We do this because visuals allow us to see things in new ways.
We see this through the ubiquitousness of emojis in texting and social media. There are even apps being used in education that use emojis to collect social-emotional data on students. Why? Because you can quickly connect to an emoji.
Using visuals to explore, understand, and communicate in your business can do the same thing as emojis. They become shorthand for complex ideas, common language, and shared experiences.
All of our Constellation sessions include live visualization. During remote sessions, our visualizers draw the conversation on the screen in real time. The visuals become part of the conversation, ensuring we’re talking about the same thing, and tracking them like milestones making them easy to reference later in the conversation.
We offer guidance on creating your own visuals through our courses and workshops with visual templates and guidance on creating your own visuals.
The Constellation System Puts Order to Possibility
The second way we make your strategy visible is through our innovative Constellation system.
Our Constellation system is a framework for our strategy sessions. It can be used to plan a new business, a new product or service, to explore the alignment of a department to its goals, and more.
Here is a version of a Constellation system:
How We will Show Up in 2021
In 2021, Eric and I are making a bold commitment to you. We want to make our Constellation system available to every entrepreneur, leader, and changemaker who is ready to take creative action, to see their organization and strategy in new ways, and who wants to align what they are doing with their vision and purpose.
We are building our courses as a low-cost, high-value way to see your business strategy and alignment in a new way.
We will offer a group series for leaders to collaborate with and peers over 6 weeks to create their unique Constellation.
We will work with coaches and consultants to support their work using the Constellation system, mapping their client businesses, and to reference and support their work ahead.
We will work directly with organizations, leaders, and teams through guided Constellation sessions to align their strategy, purpose, and vision.
And we will work with entrepreneurial ecosystem builders to offer our Constellation courses and sessions to their communities.
We can work together to make 2021 a year of rebirth and reinvention. A year of growth with intention. A year of integration.
This year will be a year of transformation for you. And we are here, ready to enthusiastically support you through it.
To see how visualization can give you and your team clarity and confidence in 2021, sign up for our newsletter or schedule a free consultation today.